Food for Thought Program » Donations


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How to Donate

The Foundation accepts donations in return for an official tax receipt. Recognizing that individuals or organizations may wish to donate in various ways, and to maximize the opportunities for potential donors to donate, the Foundation has established the following donation categories:

  1. Regular Donations: Cheques can be mailed to our office or use the secure online donation site for processing VISA, Mastercard and American Express payments.  You also have the option to set up monthly contributions and make donations in memory of a loved one.  A Charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations received. 
  2. District Staff and Trustees: Make a contribution via the automatic payroll deduction option for the monthly 50/50 draw.
  3. Fundraising Project Donations: Donations made through a fundraising project whether directly sponsored by the Foundation or another organization.
  4. Gift In Kind Donations: Donation of items other than cash which (subject to appraisal) have a “cash equivalency”. The Foundation may (at its discretion) not accept a gift in kind that may carry with it liabilities or encumbrances which the Foundation is not able to assume.
  5. Deferred Giving Program: The Deferred Giving Program is a program where by individuals take out a life insurance policy or other deferred benefit, renaming the Foundation as the beneficiary.
  6. Volunteer: We can offer volunteer opportunities that interest you.  You may want to participate in special events, provide administrative support, help coordinate programs or work on subcommittees for special programs.  However you want to get involved, we're happy to make it happen.  Contact us to volunteer.
  7. Share ideas: Sometimes, an idea can set off a chain of events that leads to major success.  That's why we want to hear from you.  We're open to your ideas and suggestions to not only make the Foundation better, but to also find ways to help students succeed.  Contact us to share your ideas.